Ruijie JaCS supports configuring APs in a project via using a device-specific configuration template. The configurable items include IP addresses, gateway addresses, DNS, SSIDs and passwords.
Note: Up to 200 devices can be configured each time.
The specific steps are as follows:
Step 1: Select the project. And navigate to Device Config > AP Template > Device-specific Config to enter the device-specific configuration template management interface.
Step 2: Click Download Template to download the device-specific configuration template.
Step 3: Fill in the template.
(1) SN: (Required) A SN length ranges from 6 to 32 characters, such as: G1PD7PW00060B.
(2) IP Address/Subnet Mark: Set the device's IP address and subnet mask. Both the IP address and subnet mask can be left blank. If left blank, the device will obtain the IP address and subnet mask through DHCP.
(3) Gateway: (Optional) Set the gateway address. If the IP address is set to a static address, you need to fill in the gateway address.
(4) 2.4G SSID: (Optional) If the 2.4G SSID is not specified, the original SSID of the device will be kept. The length of a SSID ranges from 4 to 32 characters. The supported characters include letters, numbers, "_", "-", "." and "@". If you want to set multiple different SSIDs, use commas (,) to separate them, for example: SSID-test1, SSID-test2. Up to 3 SSIDs can be configured. (Note: The SSID is required if the password has been set.)
(5) 2.4G SSID Password: (Optional) If the 2.4G SSID password is left blank in the template, clients can access the SSID without a password. The length of a password ranges from 8 to 32 characters. Letters, numbers, and special characters (@!*#<>=@[)_-) can be contained in a password. If you need to set multiple different passwords, separate them with commas (,), such as “88888888rrrrr, 999999ddddd”. A maximum of 3 passwords can be configured. The SSID and password must correspond to each other in order.
(6) 5G SSID: (Optional) If the 5G SSID is not specified, the original SSID of the device will be kept. The length of a SSID ranges from 4 to 32 characters. Letters, numbers, and special characters ("_", "-", ".", "@") can be contained. If you want to set multiple different SSIDs, separate them with commas (,) such as “SSID-test1, SSID-test2”. Up to 3 SSIDs can be configured.
(7) 5G SSID Password: (Optional) If the 5G SSID password is left blank in the template, clients can access the SSID without a password. The password length is 8-32 characters. Letters, numbers, and special characters (@!*#<>=@[)_-) can be contained. If you need to set multiple different passwords, separate them with commas (,), such as “88888888rrrrr, 999999ddddd”. Up to 3 passwords can be configured. The SSID and password must correspond to each other in order.
Step 4: After filling in the information, click Import Config to import the template. When importing a template, the system will verify the parameters in the template. The import process will be stopped when one of the following situations occurs:
(1) The SN in the template is not available in the current project;
(2) The IP address format is incorrect.
(3) The number of SSIDs and the number of passwords are different.
Step 5: After importing, the device configuration will be displayed in the Device Config List.