To add a gateway or several gateways to a project:
Step 1: Navigate to Project > Gateway to go to the gatewat management interface.
Step 2: Select the project to which the gateway need to be added.
Step 3: Click Add.
Step 4: Enter the SN (required), alias (optional), and eWeb password (optional). Only one gateway can be added in this interface.
Step 5: After filling in the information, click OK. When the "Add succeeded" prompt appears, click X to close the prompt box and complete the operation.
To add gateways to a project in batches:
Step 1: Select the project.
Step 2: Click Import Device.
Step 3: Click Download Template to download the template.
Step 4: Fill in the template. SN is required, while the alias is optional. Up to 200 devices can be imported into a project each time.
(1) SN: Required. The length of a SN should range from 6 to 21 characters.
(2) Alias: Optional. The length of an alias should range from 1 to 64 characters.
Step 5: Click ".xlsx " File to upload the template.
Step 6: When the "Import Succeeded" prompt appears, click X to close the prompt box. The imported device will be displayed in the gateway list.