Customizing Subaccount Roles

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Ruijie JaCS supports four kinds of sub-account roles by default: Admin (owns management permissions), Employee (owns management permissions), Operator (only owns authentication management permissions), and Guest (only owns read permissions). These four default roles cannot be deleted.

In addition to these four roles, the JaCS allows users to customize sub-account roles to define the permissions by themselves. The specific steps are as follows:

Step 1: Click Account Role to go to the role management interface.



Step 2: Click Add.


Step 3: Set the role name (required), and description (optional), then click Save.



The description can contain up to 128 characters.

The role name only supports numbers, letters, dashes (-), underscores (_), and special characters (“#”, “.” and “@”). The supported length is 1-64 characters.

Step 4: After setting the role information click  to configure account permissions.


Step 5: On the Role Permission page on the right, check the permissions according to your needs, and then click Save.


Step 6: When the operation confirmation box appears, click OK to complete the configuration.


After the custom role is created, you can select the custom role on the sub-account adding or editing interface.

